Welcoming Andrew

Today, we're happy to announce that fman's team size has effectively doubled. Grand words for saying that the number of members grew from one to two 😄 Here we are talking on Skype, Andrew in the center and Michael in the top right:

Andrew initially found fman through a thread on Hacker News. Despite being one of hundreds of apps / products in that thread, fman immediately caught his eye. Seeing its potential, he got in touch. Several email and Skype conversations ensued, and today we officially start working together.

Andrew will focus on link building and marketing while Michael keeps developing the product. For you as an fman user, the increased team size means a more stable and faster growing product. So good news! :-)

Michael started fman in 2016, convinced that we deserve a better file manager. fman's launch in 2017 was a huge success. But despite full-time work, it only makes $500 per month. The goal is to fix this.